Inside My Computer & Central Processing Unit - Research Project (GCSE Computer Science)
£7.00Get ahead in teaching your students about computer hardware. This resources enables your students to learn about the components inside their PC as well as the components inside the Central Processing Unit (CPU) in great detail.
The following topics are covered in this resource:
1. Components inside my computer i.e. RAM, Hard Disk Drive, CPU, Fan etc....
2. Inside my CPU i.e. CPU Registers (Memory Data Register, Memory Address Register) and the 3 data transfer channel
3. How the CPU carries out its job and interacts with RAM
4. How the Fetch, Decode & Execute cycle impacts the different registers inside the CPU.
The following items are included in this resource:
1. Editable teacher powerpoint
2. PDF teacher powerpoint
3. Student worksheets
4. Inside my Computer - A Build & Learn Activity (interactive version available too)
5. Basic worksheet outline - delivery guidance for the teacher